
Hey! I'm Lex

A passionate full-stack JavaScript developer with over a decade of code-wrangling under my belt. From the moment I wrote my first “Hello, World!” script, I was hooked on the magic of coding, and I've been riding the programming wave ever since.

Whether I'm crafting sleek interfaces with React, delicious apps with React Native or slinging code on the server-side with Node.js, I'm all about building stuff that not only works like a charm but also brings a smile to users'faces. Clean, efficient code? Check. Pixel-perfect designs? You betcha.

When I'm not knee-deep in code, you'll probably find me chilling by the couch with a good book in hand or learning some new awesome stuff, and experimenting with it you can checkout out some of my side-projects here!

So, if you're up for some coding adventures, hit me up! Let's build awesome stuff together! 🚀